
Piperazine & Fenbendazole 100g – 1kg packet Dewormer Anthelmintic Antiparasitic

22,49 $195,00 $

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Pharmaceutical form:

powder for oral use

Active ingredients:

Piperazine adipinate, Fenbendazole

Pharmacological properties:

Fenbendazole belongs to the group of benzimidazoles. It has a harmful effect on the larvae of various stages and disrupts the integrity of the shells of helminth eggs, after which they are unable to develop further. Piperazine is a synthetic anthelmintic drug with a narrow spectrum of action. Only some nematodes are susceptible to it, and roundworms and pinworms are the most sensitive. The combination of fenbendazole and piperazine adipinate enhances the effect of the drug against pathogens of the Ascaridae family.

Groups of drugs Anthelmintic, antiparasitic
Medicinal form Powder
Acting substances Piperazine adipinate, Fenbendazole
Types of animals Pigs, Horses, Dogs, Rabbits, Fur Animals, Foxes, Geese, Ducks, Turkeys, Chickens, Pheasants, Quails
Application Orally with food
Appointment From worms
Indication Nematodes; Trematodes; Cestodes
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1 g of the drug contains:

piperazine adipinate — 250 mg

fenbendazole – 30 mg


White powder, non-volatile, non-hygroscopic, odorless, does not dissolve in water.

Pharmacological properties

Fenbendazole belongs to the group of benzimidazoles. It destroys the microtubules of digestive cells and causes a neurotoxic effect in helminths. It has a harmful effect on the larvae of various stages and disrupts the integrity of the shells of helminth eggs, after which they are unable to develop further.

With oral administration, the maximum concentration of fenbendazole in blood plasma is reached after 0.5-7 hours. It weakly binds to plasma proteins, is transformed into inactive metabolites by decarboxylation. The elimination half-life is 2.8-9 hours. Most of the substance is excreted unchanged and in the form of metabolites with feces, about 1% – with urine. The absorbed drug accumulates mainly in the liver and adipose tissue. About 40% of the drug entering the lumen of the small intestine with bile is reabsorbed, which prolongs its contact with intestinal parasites. In the body, it turns into fenbendazole and oxfendazole, as well as other metabolites.

Piperazine is a synthetic anthelmintic drug with a narrow spectrum of action, which paralyzes the muscular apparatus of helminths. Only some nematodes are susceptible to it, and roundworms and pinworms are the most sensitive. Piperazine does not give high concentrations in body tissues, acts exclusively in the intestinal lumen, and does not kill parasites, but only paralyzes their muscles. This avoids the danger of absorption of toxic products of helminth decay.

Piperazine penetrates the placental barrier and enters the animal’s milk. It is metabolized in the liver with the formation of inactive metabolites. It is removed from the body by the kidneys, complete elimination of metabolites occurs within 24 hours, with liver and kidney failure, this process can last longer.

The combination of fenbendazole and piperazine adipinate enhances the effect of the drug against pathogens of the Ascaridae family.


Treatment and prevention of animals for helminthiasis:

  • pigs — gastrointestinal tract caused by sexually mature nematodes and stage 4 larvae of Ascaris suum, Oesophagostomum dentatum, sexually mature Strongyloides ransomi, Trichuris suis, Hyostrongylus rubidus, Ollulanus spp., Physocephalus scxalatus and pulmonary Metastrongylus spp.;
  • horses — gastrointestinal tract caused by nematodes Parascaris equorum, Oxyuris equi, Strongylidae tribus, Cyathostomidae tribus, Strongyloides westeri;
  • carnivorous animals (dogs, foxes, foxes) — gastrointestinal diseases caused by nematodes Ancylostoma caninum, Uncinaria stenocephala, Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leoninae, Strongyloides spp.;
  • rabbits – caused by nematodes Passalurus ambiguous, Trichostrongylidae gen., Protostrongylus commatatus, Trichuris leporis;
  • poultry (chickens, turkeys, parrots, quails, pheasants) — caused by nematodes Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum, Heterakis isolonche, Capillaria anseris, Syngamus trachea, Tetrameres spp.;
  • waterfowl (geese, ducks) — caused by nematodes Amidostomum anseris, Heterakis dispar (syn. Ganguloterakis dispar), Syngamus skrjabinomorpha, Tetrameres fissispina, cestodes Hymenolepis spp., Fimbriaria fasciolaris, trematodes Notocotylus chionis.


Do not give to sows two weeks before farrowing.

Do not use with alkalis, oxidizers, and iodine-containing preparations!


Method of application and dosage

Before use, the drug is mixed with feed and given during morning feeding individually or by group method.

Before group deworming, each batch of the drug is pre-tested on a small number of animals, which are observed during the day. In the absence of complications, mass deworming can be carried out.

With the group treatment method, the total amount of the drug is increased by 5%.

Dosages of the drug for different types of animals and the course of use are indicated in the table.

Species of animals and diseases Dose, g / 10 kg of body weight Course of application
ascariasis, trichurosis, esophagostomosis, metastrongylosis, strongyloidosis, chiostrongylosis 1.5 2 days
olulanosis, physocephalosis 3
Piglets aged 1-4 months:
prevention 0.4-0.5 1 time a week
parascarosis, oxyurosis, strongylatosis, ciatostomidosis, strongyloidosis 1.5-2 one time
Foals aged 1-6 months:
mixed invasion 1 2 days
Carnivores and fur animals:
hookworm, strongyloidosis, toxocarosis, toxascarosis, uncinariasis 8-10 3 days
pasalurosis, protostrongillosis, trichostrongillosis, trichocephalosis 5 one time
ascariasis, heterokidosis, capillariosis 1.5 2 days
syngamosis 2
amidostomosis, heterochosis (syn. ganguletheracosis), syngamosis, tetramerosis 2-2.5 2 days
hymenolepidosis, notochotilidosis 7.5-8


After the last use of the drug, animals, and poultry can be slaughtered for meat after 7 days. People can eat the liver, lungs, and heart of animals after 10 days. Meat received before the specified term is disposed of or fed to unproductive animals, depending on the opinion of the veterinarian.

Storage conditions

In a dry, dark place at a temperature of up to +25 °C.

Expiration date

3 years.

packet weight

100g, 1kg


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